Bookish and Black #44
How many of us are feeling a little stuck in our day to day lives? I love the weekends because it means extra time with my baby but I always come back feeling more drained and exhausted. I honestly don’t know how parents did it before the pandemic- a major part of my ability to stay afloat is that I work remotely. It’s nice that even on the busiest days, I can take my meetings in yoga pants with all the comforts of home. But I do feel like I am stuck in an endless loop of exhaustion. Greatest tell for me that I’m feeling tired and overwhelmed? I’m re-watching Criminal Minds (what can I say, serial killers allow me to relax). Despite it all, I’ve managed to read a fair amount, and I’m working on a new personal project that I can’t wait to share with you all (more on that next week!).